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Australia, South Australia
Travel Period
Sun 13 - Sun 20 Dec 2020 (8 days)
Holiday Category
Extra Assistance Mobility, Extra Assistance Personal Care, Independent, Physical Disability
As you embark on the journey of a lifetime let your luxury cruise ship, the Sapphire Princess, indulge your every whim. Over 700 balconies, world-class gourmet dining and dazzling entertainment options are just the beginning of your sea-going adventure. Dance the night away, enjoy cabaret shows or relax and rejuvenate body and mind at the day Spa.
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Suite 50, 574 Plummer Street,
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Member of the Australian Travel Industry Association – ATIA Member No: 12917
About Leisure Options
Our Guarantee
Our unique holiday guarantee ensures all tours depart as scheduled along with our price match guarantee providing you with value for money, certainty, and peace of mind when planning your holiday.
Leisure Options acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present.